Today wanna share with you bout my career journey:)
July2011,My company decided to move back to JOHOR . So as the staff in this company , i hv to decide whether should i follow my company move or should i stay and look for another New job.. So i pray ," Lord , if this is ur will for me to go johor for my career ,when i ask my family ,if 3 from them say YES , and GO, then mean i will go ! But if this not ur will , then when i asked them , all will say NO! "
Then i took up my phone , and i start to :"whatsapp - SISTA GROUP "
The 1st person respond was (Shirley): "NO" ...
(Then "安慰自己“say haven all say NO ..Mean still got hope... )
2nd person reply (Sharon) : "NO"
3rd person reply (Sandra) : "NO" and find new job
4th person reply (jac) : " ya, find new job "
5th person reply (My gugu) : "NO""NO""NO"
I was like woahh.... All say "NO" .... Mean no your will ..
In midst , i still not satisfy and i asked for leaders advise ..All also with "NO" ans! (All ans " No" with a strong reason and i agree with it too at the end. )
At the end , what can i say , JUS OBEY the "NO"!

When august started , i already officially jobless.
I rest for the first week of August ,and started find job on 2nd week of august ..
keep going to interview and interview .. Company after company .. but no respond .
In midst of the interviews , i experience been scold " 3 bad word" ,been abuse by the words they say, been scold without no reason .. I saw and experience a lot midst of interviews .
This whole month of August , was not easy for me .
Honestly i was in the point of giving up and stop going to interviews and i very disappointed and not really good ..(dunknw how to express the feeling)
Each time i prayed , and asking God .. When will this end ?

The same verse and answer will i get
" God won't give you anything you can't handle.There is a HOPE .Keep going my dear"
So i holding the words and pressing on although i dunknw what is ahead ..
Pressing on and dunknw when will this end .. Keep going and step into the unknown !
On 4Sep,Ps jeff preached bout HOPE, FAITH ,LOVE.. and he got mention bout "pray for someone who need job" so sudden my spirit was shout inside Pastor ME !Me!Me!
At the end when altar call, Ps Jeff he would like to pray for whoever need job and favor of GOd.. I sat at a place which very back,Took up the courage and i walked fast to infront of the stage and Ps Jeff prayed for me ..That moment i experience somethings birth in my spirit !
ON Sep 7 , when i sitting down chilling and reading some blog..
Suddenlly , i saw this
"No one will make a lock without a key. Similarly, God won't give problems without solutions."
when i saw this sentence , i was thinking whether my eyes and my laptop got problem .. Coz this sentence come with GOLD colour and keep shine and shine ..
But suddenly i found the peace in my heart and voice saying "Believe me MY dear."
After one week i went to a japan company interview, The salary given more than the amount i asked for ..5 days work.. somemore the benefit was really unexpected !
Really the favor from God!
Tomorrow 14.09.2011 , i gonna officially work in this company!
Thank u for my family and everyone whoever really b there and encourage me , praying for me! :) Thank u very much !
U guys mean a lot to ME!:)

New season for my CAREER !
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